(Brisbane based)
James Tan focus areas of practice within Vocare Law are litigation, and not for profit governance (including charities and schools).

- Faamate & Ors v Congregational Christian Church in Samoa- Australia (Ipswich Congregation) & Ors [2020] QCA 87 – A one day hearing in the Queensland Court of Appeal, to determine whether an incorporated association should be wound up on just and equitable grounds.
- Swiss Re International Se v LCA Marrickville Pty Limited (Second COVID-19 insurance test cases) [2021] FCA 1206 – An eight-day final trial in Federal Court of Australia, being part of a ten combined test cases to determine whether insurance coverage would extend to businesses interrupted by COVID-19. Corney & Lind Lawyers represented one of the insured parties (subject to appeal).
- Faamate & Ors v Congregational Christian Church in Samoa-Australia (Ipswich Congregation) ABN 90 103 392 182 & Ors[2019] QSC 194 – An eight-day final trial in the Supreme Court of Queensland. Corney & Lind Lawyers represented 21 Applicants in bringing a Winding-up Application on the grounds of oppression, and successfully obtained declaratory relief.
- Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services & Bogovic[2017] FamCA 462– A one-day trial heard in the Family Court of Australia, where Corney & Lind Lawyers successfully assisted the Respondent in resisting an application for a return of a child under the Hague Convention.
- TT and Ors v Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District and Ors[2013] QCAT 48– A five-day trial heard in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Corney & Lind Lawyers assisted an independent school in successfully responding to a complex anti-discrimination claim.
- Jannard v Dalituicama [2021] QDC 278 – District Court of Queensland, costs decision in a defamation matter, wherein the plaintiff sought leave to discontinue proceedings, and for the defendant to pay the plaintiff’s costs. Corney & Lind Lawyers successfully assisted the defendant in resisting this, and obtained a costs order in the defendant’s favour.
- Faamate & Ors v Congregational Christian Church in Samoa-Australia (Ipswich Congregation) & Ors [2020] QCA 263 – Queensland Court of Appeal Decision in relation to costs, where Corney & Lind Lawyers were successful in obtaining an order which departed from the usual order as to costs.
- Faamate & Ors v Congregational Christian Church in Samoa-Australia (Ipswich Congregation) ABN 90 103 392 182 & Ors (No 2)[2020] QSC 12 – Supreme Court of Queensland costs decision in relation to the primary judgment in this matter.
- Sadiqi, in the matter of Cook Islands Christian Church of Australia Limited (in liq) v Cook Islands Christian Church of Australia Limited (in liq)[2016] FCA 786– Federal Court of Australia decision, wherein Corney & Lind Lawyers successfully assisted the defendant in setting aside a winding-up order on the grounds of insolvency.
- Archaeo Cultural Heritage Services Pty Ltd v Gall & Ors[2017] QDC 267 – District Court of Queensland decision in a Commercial List Dispute, where Corney & Lind Lawyers successfully assisted the defendants in obtaining an order for security for costs.
- Deslandes & Deslandes [2015] FamCA 913– Family Court of Australia decision, wherein Corney & Lind Lawyers successfully assisted the Applicant in resisting an argument that Australia did not have jurisdiction to hear a family law property matters wherein a prenuptial agreement was entered into outside of Australia.
Apart from his trial experience, James has experience in advising clients on the following matters:
- Breaches of director and fiduciary duties, and governance failures.
- Contractual disputes and debt recovery.
- Retail and commercial lease disputes.
- Partnership, shareholder and membership disputes, “splits”, dissolutions and winding-up applications.
- Supervised Case List and Commercial List matters.
- Case Note for Member Disputes in Incorporated Associations: Singh & Ors v Brisbane Sikh Temple (Gurdwara) Inc [2022] QSC 151
- Guarding your employees mental wellbeing – Kozarov v State of Victoria (2022) HCA 12
- Is your “Licence” really a lease – and why does this matter?
- Partnership or Shareholder Agreement – Why you need one
- Unfair Contract Terms
- Start-ups: Legal Changes to look for in 2016 (Part 2)
- Start-ups: Legal Changes to look for in 2016 (Part 1)
- Does GST apply to Services for Ride-Sourcing Arrangements (such as Uber)?
- Commercial & Business Law: Are Emails Legally Binding?
- Start-ups – Increased Incentives to Assist Entrepreneurs in Starting a Business
- New Bill may introduce significant Amendments to the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (Qld)
- Is Your Commercial Lease (or Retail Shop Lease) Incentive / Inducement Subject to GST?
- Business Structuring: Making the Right Decision for your Start-up
- Notice of Remedy Breach – What is it?
- UPDATE: The Australian Tax Office releases a Guide for Small Business Directors
- Leases- Landlord unable to Rely Upon Incentive Deed for Damages
- Lease Disputes – What You Need to Know before “Changing the Locks”
- New Finance Opportunities for SME Exporters
- Lease Disputes – Right to Quiet Enjoyment
- Managing Common Legal Issues at the End of a Commercial Lease / Retail Shop Lease(Webinar March 2015)
- Company Directors – some key risks and how to manage them (relevant to Not-for-Profits and for Profits) (Webinar November 2014)
- Starting an application in QCAT: Minor Debts | Consumer Disputes | Residential Tenancy Disputes | Dividing Fences (Webinar February 2014)
- Director’s Penalty Regime
- Richstar – The Court’s Powers to Dismantle Discretionary Trust Structures
- Charity Law – Shadow Directors and De Facto Directors in Charities
- Enforceability of Online Contracts in Australia
- Disclosing private information regarding schools
- Privacy Act Amendments
- How can my organisation access the Government’s COVID-19 financial assistance?
- I Heard It Through The Grapevine: Social Media As A Vehicle Of Defamation
- An Overview of the Religious Freedom Bills
- Discrimination in Schools – Uniform policy vs. Religious beliefs
- Changes to Smoke Alarm Legislation. Does your house comply?
- Challenging “Fake” Medical Certificate
- Conflicting Legal Duties – Lessons from Sullivan v Moody [2001] HCA 59
- Uniform/Dress Codes: Employee Dismissed for Breach of ‘Clean-Shaven’ Policy
- Top 3 Strategies for Dealing with Unpaid School Fees
- Setting Aside Transactions | Directors’ Breach of Their Duties
- Information, Security & Privacy: A New Year Refresher for 2015
- Correlation Between Bullying and Discrimination in The Workplace
- Upcoming Privacy Law Reforms and the Importance of Updating your Privacy Policy
- Interim Orders and Injunctions in Discrimination Cases
- Genuine Redundancy? The importance of Consultation & Redeployment
- Evidence for Personal, Carer, Sick Leave