(Brisbane based)
Eustacia is part of our Schools, Not-for-profit and Family teams as Special Counsel.
Eustacia completed a Bachelor Arts from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Laws from Queensland University of Technology. She was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2002.
Since then, she has worked in private firms in Melbourne, Brisbane and Washington D.C., United States of America.
With over ten years’ experience exclusively in family law and six years working outside the law in communications and volunteer roles, Eustacia brings a broad range of both legal and life experience to help you navigate the maze that is the legal landscape. Her goal is to help you achieve the best resolution for your matter.

Eustacia has a strong interest in assisting non-profit organizations and schools, and has previously practiced law in Australia’s first non-profit legal firm. She is currently completing a Master of Theological Studies at the Australian College of Theology.
In the past 3 years she has successfully acted:
- For a parent seeking a fixed term relocation in order to complete a course of study interstate
- For grandparents seeking significant and substantial time with their grandchildren
- For a parent seeking equal time where the mother was committed to supervised time only
- In mediations, at both private and Court-based family dispute resolution events
- At interim hearings
- In a 4-day trial in a complex parenting and property matter
Eustacia is often asked to present at conferences and industry events. In the last 2 years, some of those presentations have been:
- in a national podcast episode of Pathways Through the System: Navigating Australian Family Law – Episode 1: Feeling Unheard: Considering the Wishes of Children in Family Separations, produced by Family Law Pathways Network. Hosted on the New Way Lawyers website: https://www.newwaylawyers.com.au/podcast/
- at a National Conference for The Education Network – The 4th Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference on the topic Responding to Family Violence
- as an interviewee on the Beanstalk Mums podcast on the topic of What to do if the other parent breaches court orders – https://beanstalkmums.com.au/parent-breaches-court-orders/
Whether you are an institutional client, or a non-profit organization, or need personal family law advice, Eustacia’s goal is to help clients navigate the complex legal landscape and achieve the best possible legal outcome for their unique situation. Eustacia’s motto is that the best outcomes are not always the most obvious. Eustacia will listen to you, help you identify your goals and then work with you to develop a strategy to get you there.