State & National
When asked to serve on a state or national or an indigenous people’s board, we do not take the opportunities lightly. An invitation to present before sector and industry, government, legal peers and business audiences is a privilege we do not take for granted. We have had a number of our staff privileged to make submissions before legislative hearings, councils and meetings that effect change.
Being given recognition
As an authority in specialist practice areas has also been an honour as we seek to serve Australia. We have found making considered, measured submissions that shares legal knowledge, advice, and insight have, in some circumstances, assisted in carrying law reform forward.
Some of the opporunities we've been given include:
- Empowering indigenous communities in native title negotiations.
- Serving and assisting indigenous churches and indigenous corporations
- Providing governance oversight to a large church movement.
- Serving on various not-for-profit associations in the areas of nutrition and philanthropy.
- Serving on a number of QLD Law Society sub-committees, including:
- Not for profit law committee
- Accident compensation & tort law committee
- Innovation committee
- Migration law consulting committee
- Future leaders committee
- We have delivered technical papers and presentations to:
- Queensland School Registrar Association
- Queensland Baptists
- Associated Christian Schools
- Australian Christian Churches Queensland & Northern Territory
- Lawsense
- Legalwise
- Serving and partnering with associations that have national reach in areas of:
- education
- ministry advancement
- law reform.
- Presenting legal technical papers to national audiences across Australia in person and in studio.
Advice You Can Trust
We offer customised professional legal services tailored to meet our clients’ needs. Our values are service, care and excellence. Our people are our strength. We nurture them by creating a healthy team environment which encourages them to make positive contributions in delivering our legal services. Our communities are missions focused. We exercise our generosity by making contributions at a local, national and international level.